フィリピン編 Philippines Version



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To handbook recipients:

The number of foreign residents has been increasing in recent years.

Foreign parents who are raising their children in Japan may have experienced much confusion due to the languages barrier as well as the difference in culture and healthcare systems.


We have also been told by public health nurses and nursery teachers that they find it difficult to communicate with foreign parents despite the presence of a translator.

Therefore, we have prepared this handbook with an eye to supporting both foreign parents who have different culture backgrounds and healthcare professional in Japan. In this handbook, we use four-frame cartoons to describe common situations in order to help foreign parents familiarize themselves with child -rearing experiences in Japan and to enhance their interest in Japanese healthcare systems and services.


Each cartoon is accompanied by relevant information about Japanese healthcare systems and services.

We have also added information of the cultural backgrounds of foreign parents for Japanese healthcare professionals. 


We hope that this handbook will help foreign parents and Japanese healthcare professionals understand the culture and healthcare systems of different countries.


In Aichi Prefecture where we are based in, we have many residents from the Philippines and Brazil. For this reason, as an experiment, we have decided to prepare this handbook for Philippines and Brazilian residents.


On behalf of Authors



目次 (Contents)

(項目をクリックすると各項にジャンプします。Click on an item to jump to the respective section)

  1. 子育て情報(How do parents obtain inform?)
  2. 保健センター(You can seek parenting or health counseling at a public health center.)
  3. 日本の医療制度(Available Healthcare services in Japan.)
  4. 母子健康手帳("Boshi-Kenko-Techo" contains the health records of mother and child.)
  5. パパママクラス(Let's join parenting class!)
  6. 子どもの医療(Health insurance system offers medical treatment benefits for child!)
  7. 赤ちゃん訪問(The municipality will conduct visits to mother and baby after giving birth.)
  8. 日本の子育て(Lots of stress to raise children in Japan?)
  9. 予防接種(What is the vaccination system for children?)
  10. 乳幼児健康診査(Too many things to do in Japanese infant/toddler health checkup?!)
  11. 離乳食(How complicated is baby food?!)
  12. 保育園・こども園(Nursery schools support working mothers.)



日本での子育てを豊かなものへ                                                                             -外国人のママ・パパとサポーターを応援する研究会

Enriching Child-rearing in Japan - Study Group to Support Foreign Mothers, Fathers and Supporters


Enriquecimento da criação dos filhos no Japão - um grupo de estudos para apoiar as mães・os pais estrangeiros e seus simpatizantes



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Para contato, utilize a página de contato.


研究代表者:愛知医科大学 看護学部  坂本 真理子